## dapper-invoice A billable-time invoice featuring style over substance. ![Example Screenshot](http://i.imgur.com/q78jtGu.png) ### Pre-Requisites - [TeX Live](https://www.tug.org/texlive/acquire-netinstall.html) — or — - [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html) ### Generating an Invoice #### Using TeX Live Locally ``` cp example.tex your-invoice-101.tex # make some changes to your-invoice-101.tex make your-invoice-101.pdf ``` Your invoice will be created as `your-invoice-101.pdf` #### Using Vagrant ``` cp example.tex your-invoice-101.tex vagrant up # this may take a while the first time vagrant ssh -c 'cd /vagrant; make REPORT=your-invoice-101 watch' ``` Now whenever you make changes to `your-invoice-101.tex` on your host machine, the watcher inside the VM will automatically build `your-invoice-101.pdf`, which will be saved back to the host machine. When finished editing, input Control-C to stop the watcher, then run: ``` vagrant halt ``` ### Documentation See [example.tex](example.tex) and [dapper-invoice.cls](dapper-invoice.cls) for details. ### Inspiration I am not a designer. Inspiration for the design comes from stea^H^H^H^Hborrowing design ideas from good looking invoices people have [published on the net](http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/11/05/invoice-like-a-pro/). The resulting design is not even in the same league, but I think it gets the job done. I am also not a LaTeX author. The code borrows heavily from the [moderncv](https://launchpad.net/moderncv) package (which I can't recommend enough), as well as numerous other packages. ### Licensing The code I have written I release under the MIT license. Two different font packages are included in the repo for convenience: - OpenSans (Apache License v2.00) - Font Awesome (SIL OFL 1.1)