libpfxtree ========== Delwink prefix tree (trie) library What's this for? ---------------- This was written for use with Delwink's LiberTI encoder to find keywords in source lines, but it is a fairly standard implementation of the well-established "trie" structure, also called a prefix tree. The purpose of a trie structure is to function as an efficient dictionary registry. New words are added to the dictionary, and the dictionary is searched one letter at a time to find the quickest route to the end of the desired word, as opposed to checking string equality for each string in the dictionary which is slow and inefficient on the CPU. Trie structures can be more memory efficient than a static string dictionary as well, because any words that share the same starting characters (prefix) will share the same memory for those characters. This does come at a cost for dictionaries with words that are nothing alike, because each character in the dictionary is more than 1 byte (32 bytes each on my implementation) since it must keep track of what characters are adjacent to it. This implementation of the structure allows storage of one integer as data for complete words (used in LiberTI's encoder to determine which token to replace the keyword with) or a pointer to arbitrary data. Many implementations of this structure exist, but this is Delwink's preferred implementation since it follows Delwink's standards and development styles. Build ----- You'll need an ANSI C compiler and a POSIX build environment. On Debian-based systems, you can get this with: # apt install build-essential libpfxtree uses a simple build process. You can compile it like so: $ make Install ------- After building (see above), you can install the library with this: # make install Hacking ------- Match the style you see in the source code. Do not use spaces for indentation. To submit a patch, [submit your diff to Delwink][1], or use GitHub's pull request system. License ------- libpfxtree is free software, released under the terms of version 1.0 of the Copyfree Open Innovation License. You are free to copy, modify, and redistribute this software and use it for whatever purpose. See [COPYING](COPYING) for more details. [1]: