AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-09-19Update install scriptHEAD5.3.0masterDavid McMackins II
2017-09-19Remove debug codeDavid McMackins II
2017-09-19Change license to COIL 0.5David McMackins II
2017-09-19Add Coinbase API and make it defaultDavid McMackins II
2017-09-19Change license to COIL 0.5David McMackins II
2016-05-27Improve exception handling5.2.0David McMackins II
2016-05-25Add doc line for 'kind' parameterDavid McMackins II
2016-05-25Remove usage of Ticker field 'kind'David McMackins II
2016-05-25Fix 'kind' option to actually workDavid McMackins II
2016-05-25Improve load time by only constructing the API list onceDavid McMackins II
2016-05-25Remove unreachable exception block; fixes GitHub #1David McMackins II
2015-11-17Improve load time for getting list of tickers for user interfaceDavid McMackins II
2015-11-17Allow user to change default APIDavid McMackins II
2015-11-17Add BitcoinAverage APIDavid McMackins II
2015-11-17Fix minor formatting mistakesDavid McMackins II
2015-10-15Fix currency amount argument to be a floatDavid McMackins II
2015-09-01Do some improvements on Ticker internalsDavid McMackins II
2015-08-31Added return value documentation for Ticker.get_rate()David McMackins II
2015-08-30Add more information to plugin descriptionsDavid McMackins II
2015-08-30Removed whitespaceDavid McMackins II
2015-08-30Added Bitstamp APIDavid McMackins II
2015-08-29Fallback to distutils if setuptools is unavailableDavid McMackins II
2015-08-29Added plugin security noticeDavid McMackins II
2015-08-29Added information about how plugins are loadedDavid McMackins II
2015-08-29Coinfetch is no longer a scriptDavid McMackins II
2015-08-29Added option to list the installed APIsDavid McMackins II
2015-08-28Now including /usr/local plugin pathDavid McMackins II
2015-08-27Fixed bug where flipping coin pair on match failure would think the pair ↵David McMackins II
didn't exist
2015-08-27Change to plugin-based systemDavid McMackins II
2015-08-27Now loading default plugins before user-definedDavid McMackins II
2015-08-24Added CryptoCoin charts pluginDavid McMackins II
2015-08-24Added BTer pluginDavid McMackins II
2015-08-24Change BTC-E plugin name to match original API name in coinfetchDavid McMackins II
2015-08-24Added BTC-E pluginDavid McMackins II
2015-08-24Fixed some oversights in the plugin APIDavid McMackins II
2015-08-23Can now clear the plugin listDavid McMackins II
2015-08-22Added default plugin loading functionDavid McMackins II
2015-08-21Now able to load single plugin filesDavid McMackins II
2015-08-20Add plugin APIDavid McMackins II
2015-08-19Added 5.x noticeDavid McMackins II
2015-08-17Added version to sourceDavid McMackins II
2015-06-08Fixed version number and cleaned up API check functionDavid McMackins II
2015-04-05Add cccfetch to distributionDavid McMackins II
2015-04-05Fix versionDavid McMackins II
2015-04-05Added CryptoCoin Charts APIDavid McMackins II
2015-03-13Remove file from trackingDavid McMackins II
2015-03-13Remove file from trackingDavid McMackins II
2015-03-13Complete rewrite (and relicense) to allow for multiple remote APIsDavid McMackins II
2015-03-10Removed unused variable declarationDavid McMackins II
2015-02-24Update copyright dateDavid McMackins II