path: root/example.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'example.tex')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/example.tex b/example.tex
index 0330cf7..d86f2ed 100644
--- a/example.tex
+++ b/example.tex
@@ -1,73 +1,75 @@
-\newcommand{\duein}{15}% days
+\newcommand{\duein}{14}% days
-\setmetadata{\me}{Your Biz}{\invoiceNo}{\clientName}
+\setmetadata{\me}{Delwink, LLC}{\invoiceNo}{\clientName}
\defaultfontfeatures{ Path = ./Fonts/ }
-\makeheader{Your\ \mainLightItalic Biz}{\invoiceNo}
- \begin{infoSection}
- \infoBox{Client}{\clientName \\
- 123 Street Address \\
- City, State 55555 }
- \infoBox{Project}{\#123.456}
- \infoBox{Contact}{Jane Smith}
- \infoSub{\faMobilePhone}{\small\slshape +1~(555)~555-5555}
- \noalign{\addvspace{8ex}}
- \infoBox{}{
- {\large\raisebox{.55\height}\currencysym\huge\formatcurrency{\balance} \arrowbase} \\
- {\small\color{subduedColor} due \duedate{\duein}}
- }
- \end{infoSection}
+ \begin{infoSection}
+ \infoBox{Client}{\clientName \\
+ 123 Street Address \\
+ City, State 55555 }
+ \infoBox{Project}{\#123.456}
+ \infoBox{Contact}{Jane Smith}
+ \infoSub{\faMobilePhone}{\small\slshape +1~(555)~555-5555}
+ \noalign{\addvspace{8ex}}
+ \infoBox{}{
+ {\huge\formatcurrency{\balance} \arrowbase} \\
+ {\small\color{subduedColor} due \duedate{\duein}}
+ }
+ \end{infoSection}
- \begin{infoSection}
- \infoBox{\arrowtarget Payable To}{
- \me \\
- 1234 Sycamore Ave \\
- Blacksburg, VA 24060
- }
- \infoSub{\faMobilePhone}{\small\slshape +1~(555)~555-5555}
- \infoSub{\tiny\faEnvelope}{\small\slshape \emaillink{}}
- \end{infoSection}
+ \begin{infoSection}
+ \infoBox{\arrowtarget Payable To}{
+ \me \\
+ 2000 My Dr \\
+ City, ST 00000
+ }
+ \infoSub{\faMobilePhone}{\small\slshape +1~(800)~335-9465}
+ \infoSub{\tiny\faEnvelope}{\small\slshape \emaillink{}}
+ \end{infoSection}
- \lineitemp{2015/4/11}{2}{50}{Invoice}{
- \item Discussed requirements with client}
+ \lineitem{2015/4/11}{2}{50}{Discussed requirements with client}
- \lineitemp{2015/4/11}{1.25}{50}{Invoice}{
- \item Wrote Invoice in LaTeX}
+ \lineitem{2015/4/11}{1.25}{50}{Wrote Invoice in LaTeX}
- \lineitemp{2015/4/11}{0.5}{50}{Invoice}{
- \item Packaged Invoice in .cls file}
+ \lineitem{2015/4/11}{0.5}{50}{Packaged Invoice in .cls file}
- \beginsummary
+ \beginsummary
- \summaryline{Total}{\currencysym\formatcurrency{\InvoiceTotal}}
+ \summaryline{Total}{\formatcurrency{\InvoiceTotal}}
- \summaryline{Paid}{\currencysym\formatcurrency{50}}
- \summaryline{Balance Due}{\currencysym\formatcurrency{\balance}} % not really any math support (yet)
+ \summaryline{Paid}{\formatcurrency{50}}
+ \summaryline{Balance Due}{\formatcurrency{\balance}} % not really any math support (yet)